Monday, October 09, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Attention: Proof of Alien Life

World events...The new drug of the mindless drone. A never ending stream of informational opiates we cannot mainline fast enough. We need it...gotta have it... and so our pushers are working overtime to feed the collective monkey. We beg and they deliver, and it will never stop.
So Chavez calls Bush the Devil, while the leader of Iran demands the destruction of Israel. People are dying in Iraq, and water boarding is becoming the rage. Some southern crackpot claimed to have killed that poor little Ramsey girl, while Mr. Roberts was busy building sexual torture mechanisms in his basement to use on Amish children. Meanwhile, Korea is threatening to detonate a nuke, and a guy named Foley is asking if a page is horny. Am I leaving anything out? Oh yeah, Bin Laden is dead or dying or living or something, and detainees are gaining weight like champs. Illegal Immigrants are in fact illegal and global warming is in fact warming.
What we need folks, is an alien discovery of some sort. We need to find an alien, and find one fast. If anything could grind this whole mess to a screeching halt it's a little green extraterrestrial with benevolent eyes and an, "I come in peace" attitude. Give the world some common spectacle to focus on and there you have it...World Mesmerization. That is until, the Christian Right denounces the alien as a spawn of Satan.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Pedophile Foley
By the way...If you want to consider whether or not Mark Foley is a Pedophile see DSM-IV-TR criteria below in my blog on Pedophilia. See what you think. I don't know enough about him to make that determination. If you want more info on Pedophilia do a google search.
oh yeah if you want to see something that puts it all into perspective...check out this interesting blog...
oh yeah if you want to see something that puts it all into perspective...check out this interesting blog...
Monday, October 02, 2006
The Foley Follies

Well there is no doubt on this one...Foley did it. Now let loose the dogs of war...Investigations, accusations, political maneuvering and all the rest. The latest is that Foley has checked himself into a substance abuse clinic because he has had the sudden realization that he is an alcoholic. Maybe he is, and then again maybe it doesn't really matter. The point is, he was caught in a really bad situation and now has to face the consequences...Period.
What I know, is that this thing is weird and will get increasingly more weird until it will be difficult to make any kind of logical assumptions. We will be shot gun blasted with points and counterpoints, explanations and rationalizations, and all kinds of groovy things. So when this does happen, and it will, just remember one thing. Mark Foley engaged in a series of seriously inappropriate relationships and that is that. Everything else is just fillers and meat bi-products.
Foley was born September 8, 1954.
I had just read that he was also abused by a member of the clergy. There is no correlation between being abused and sexually acting out. Studies show this.