Torture America

Ok, so I've been focusing on this American debate over interrogation and torture of suspected terrorists, and I've come to realize that we have turned into a nation of whiners and wimps. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for putting a detainee into a wood chipper feet first, nor do I support cruel and unusual punishment. I do, however, think that psychological interrogation is an acceptable form of extracting information. Anyway, whats so damn bad about making a detainee stand at attention for hours, or to listen to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, wear a pantie on the head or be threatened with dogs? To me, it sounds exactly like frat Hazing. Incidentally, I once had to wear a pantie on my head and I didn't break.
Listen, the bottom line is that if these detainees are tough enough to blow up building, murder women and children and cut the heads off prisoners surely they can take listening to Give it Away, on full blast. Not to mention, If I was a detainee I would be very thankful that I was in an American prison as opposed to any other in the world...Well accept for Switzerland . After all, why do you think that freak John Mark Karr confessed to the murder of that poor little girl. He wanted back...
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