Sunday, September 24, 2006

Not so Subliminal

World Cult in a Black Box

This is as about as campy as you can get. Nevertheless, it was fun to make.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Studio War Crimes

I don't have time to focus on the world, I have a my own disasters to contemplate. I have just come to the realization that my apartment might just qualify for Disaster Aid, and possibly a Bono charity concert or two. This morning I opened up my refrigerator and a Teradactyl flew out. My refrigerator is a living breathing mutated biosphere fully loaded with flora and fauna of unknown origins. My bathroom sink has an incredible amount of hardened dry toothpaste globules at the bottom of it...And I swear to God, that they are in the beginning stages of stalagmite formation.

I'm not a pig...Honestly. I'm just easily preoccupied. I have this tendency to ignore the mundane and the all so necessary. I like to focus on the world as an escape from the day in day out problems of the day in day out. How can I attend to my own personal growing concern when there are mouths to feed, nations to overthrow, and characters to assassinate? The bottom line is I can't...Or wont. So this weekend, or sometime in the not too distant future I will clean my apartment. I will change my life and as God is my witness I will never go hungry again.

Torture America

Ok, so I've been focusing on this American debate over interrogation and torture of suspected terrorists, and I've come to realize that we have turned into a nation of whiners and wimps. Don't get me wrong, I'm not for putting a detainee into a wood chipper feet first, nor do I support cruel and unusual punishment. I do, however, think that psychological interrogation is an acceptable form of extracting information. Anyway, whats so damn bad about making a detainee stand at attention for hours, or to listen to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, wear a pantie on the head or be threatened with dogs? To me, it sounds exactly like frat Hazing. Incidentally, I once had to wear a pantie on my head and I didn't break.

Listen, the bottom line is that if these detainees are tough enough to blow up building, murder women and children and cut the heads off prisoners surely they can take listening to Give it Away, on full blast. Not to mention, If I was a detainee I would be very thankful that I was in an American prison as opposed to any other in the world...Well accept for Switzerland . After all, why do you think that freak John Mark Karr confessed to the murder of that poor little girl. He wanted back...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Water Boarding

Just a quick post:

I think it's strange that in our new and emerging culture the term water boarding is becoming common knowledge. What is the effect on human consciousness? In my mind the effect is damaging.

To do my part in damaging the collective unconscious of the human race; water boarding is a torture method in which the subject is tied to a board, with the head lower than the rest of the body. A peice of cloth or plastic is placed over the face and water is poured over the face. This torture technique induces the sensation of drowning. For the subject fear of death is eminent, (using the word, "subject" is fun...makes me feel like a mad interrogator.)

Anyway, if done correctly, the person has little chance of dying. The primary goal is to illicit normal fear responses and create panic thus, breaking the subject down phyically and emotionally. Of course this is considered the best way to gain valuable information, such as who really passed gas in the lunch line at the Abu Ghraib cafeteria on June 14th.

What a world we live in.....

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mafia Divorce Part II

I'm not watching the news anymore. One thing i forgot to mention is that I now live somewhere between the comfort of the middle class and the downtrodden life of those who are in "eminent danger" of whatever. It's a horrible place to be because I’ve lost what I'm used to, but not able to slip into some sort of dreamy opiate, life saving government program where I can stand in lines hours upon hours to talk to professionals who just thirty minutes before me were standing in that same line.

I want to be able to stand in a line with that pale, frozen zombie stare, slowly shifting from leg to leg, ignoring the fact that I just drank a huge supersized cup of coffee. I want to be desperately searching for a nameless face in the crowd that I can use as a template to secretly devise comparisons between his obviously pathetic life and my own existence. I want to be able to see Quasimodo standing in the line next to me so I can find relief and comfort in the fact that, at least, I'm not a four foot, six inch outta work hunchback who's only qualification is running from angry villagers and ringing bells. "well thank god I'm not him", I would smugly say to myself as he is ushered off to some posh state funded room to be given lots of money for congenital birth defects and deafness. Of course what I don't know and don't care to even think about is that my man Quasi, is sitting on a fat lump of money, Esmeralda on his lap, that he got from suing the Catholic Church and that insignificant nothing little village, called Paris, that persecuted him in public humiliation fashion. Public humiliation always pays big in America.

This is me again, off the cuff and in the same desperate state I was ten hours ago. I may be against the ropes, I may be walking through the valley of the shadow of death but I will say "Cut me Mick", Yaaa gottttaaa opun up my eyez soze I caan see" I will get up for that last round and Apollo will walk away with broken ribs and internal bleeding. I may be down but I will never give up. If I give up, what will I have to write about.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Conspiracy Mind Screw

Damn it to hell. I wish I had never ventured into the world of the conspiracy theorist. In that world, you are always on red alert. Nothing is what is seems. Nobody can be trusted and everything is a complex hoax designed to gain if anyone really has time to gain control. Well, I did venture in, and now I'm paying the price for my curiosity. Now I think everything is a conspiracy. Nothing is what it seems and nobody, and I mean nobody can be trusted. In this culture, the world is being controlled by some secret sect bent on world domination, and whether it's the Illuminati, The Zionist International Banking Conspiracy or Alien Satanic Liberal Transgender Militants it all leads to the same thing....The New World Order.

My problem is that I feel everyone is part of it except me. I've been left out. Nobody wants me. It's the party I wasnt invited to and I want in. Not that I have the energy or desire to participate in world domination because I don't. I just thought it would be nice to get an invitation. Oh well, I guess somebody has to be on the outside looking in. Although, I can't help but feel there would be some really cool perks to being a member, like wild sex orgies, parking ticket immunity and a free extra esspresso shot in my morning cappacino, (did I spell coppacino correctly?)

I want secret handshakes, and passwords. I want underground meetings and mysterious symbols. I want to be part of the Winter Equinox Horny Goat Ball. I'm sure it would a great time and I would look fantastic dancing around a fire wearing furry goat pants. I guess, I just want all the fun things associated with being a member. Leave the responsibility to someone else.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My Mafia Divorce

To be perfectly honest I don't have time to be doing this. After all, I am a man in dire straights. Desperately trying to make ends meet, handle a nasty divorce, find employment, avoid bill collectors, make sure that my bartender drives a nicer car than myself, find God, answer my mother's three thousand voice messages starting with the line, "Sweetie, are you on drugs?", find the perfect condom, and discover who keeps leaving one lone shoe on the side of every major highway in the United States.

Yes,I'm getting a divorce, after thirteen grueling years. Thirteen
years that by all rights should count for at least twenty. Married to a woman who's anger and hostility was so prevalent that she had developed permanent erosion lines in her face from excessive frowning and squinting. Married to a woman who once told me, "I don't want to be married to you, "I just don't want anyone else to have you." Actually I was very impressed by the devotion of that statement. Sure it was cruel and unfeeling but it was, without a doubt worthy of the Caligula Award. It gave me the impression that if she decided to take that one extra little step in her rage and kill me, that it would not be enough. She would have to devise a way to kill me, revive me and kill me again, a never ending struggle between murder and the kiss of life.

So twice a month, I have to cruise on down to the local court house
and confront my greatest adversaries, my wife and her pet attack monkey in a suit. They were made for each other like Adolf and Eva, Bonnie and Clyde, and that freaky little couple from, "Natural Born Killers". My attorney on the other hand, is a realist. A friggen realist who happens to think in realistic terms. He is the kind of guy who would have advised President Eisenhower to send the leaders of Japan comfortable chairs, Binoculars, SPF 300 sunscreen, and fresh underwear with a letter inviting them to witness the first publicized atomic explosion a mile off the coast of Japan. I'm sure it would have done the trick, but in the United States Civil Court System, you better be prepared to not only drop the bomb but dress it up in a colorful Sunday Easter bonnet before you drop it. You want nothing less than hair, teeth and eyes splattered all over the courtroom. All I know is I want Micheal Corleone as my attorney.I want severed horses heads, dead fish, and piano wire. I want offers that cant be refused and Moe Green dead with a bullet through his eye. I have no use for Atticus Finch, a great guy but Tom still
ended up dead in the end.

Well, enough said, I'm outta here....This is off the cuff and as
truthful as it comes, no editing or agonizing over whether one verb has more bite than another. Actually, this is just my way of wasting time until my ship comes in...which incidentally, is supposed to arrive any second now.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Zarathustra Revisted....again

This is really bugging me...Im not entirely sure what to do with this thing...This blog...This new bain of my existence. As if I didn't already have enough bains of my existences. Anyway, I suppose the best thing to do is to write about what I know...And when that gets old I'll write about what I could know if I took the time to know it. Later, when things get really boring I'll write about what I know but really don't care to remember.

I think I will write a little bit about psychology.

Pedophile Overview

The following is an overview of some of the symptoms of pedophilia. I think I will make this a several part series that ultimately will be designed to give you an understanding of this behavior and how to take precautions in the world. Since I work with this population, I will draw upon my own experiences in treating this disorder, as well as using current theory. As a disclaimer, I only give this information as a resource and should not be considered a difinitive definition on pedophilia. This is ultimately a limited resource and only created to generate thought and discussion.

The DSM-IV-TR describes pedophilia as a focus involving sexual activity with a child, generally 13 years or younger. The person with pedophilia must be age 16 years or older and at a minimum 5 years older than the child. The pedophile will generally be attracted to a particular age range and gender. Some will be only attracted to children,(exclusive type), whereas others with be attrached to adults as well,(non-exclusive type.) The person with pedophilia does not necessarily have a personal past of sexual abuse. Some are limited to incest where others seek out victims within the community.

They generally have a narcissistic personality structure and thus are given to feelings of entitlement and specialness. Pedophilia is typically ego-syntonic and thus, a person with pedophilia does not experience distress over inappropirate relationships with children. In fact, they often will have a belief that the child in a willing participant.

A person with pedophilia seems to have a distorted sense of boundries. This holds especially true with children. They may feel that a child has like feelings or like needs.

The pedophile is manipulative. They see others as objects to manipulate and control for their own personal satisfaction. They pocess sociopathic qualities, giving them the ability to be very charming, engaging, and likeable. However, this is a facade used to gain control of another. The pedophile has a limited ability to connect to others with true intimacy and reciprocity.

The pedophile can be very clever in the environment. They can and often times plan ways of gaining access to children. For example, the pedophile may form relationships with single mothers as a means of gaining access to her children. The pedophile may strive to work in close proximity to children, such as daycare, camp, volenteer work or schools. They may develop ways of grooming a child, or pulling them into a trusting relationship, by finding things the child will be interested in such as magic tricks.

Grooming is a technique used by sex offenders to gain trust and control of a child. It is a way of exploitation through successive approximations. For instance, rather than forming direct sexual contact with a child they may initiate a progression towards the sexual offence that ranges from having the child sit on his lap to the actual sexual offence. This behavior is often times used by one family member to a child but can be used in the greater social environment as well.

The above mentioned in an overview of some of the charactoristics found in pedophilia. It is important to note that there are different presentations and thus the above mentioned symptoms and behaviors should not be considered finite. For further posts I will think about what may be important in understanding about the pedophiles personality structure.

The Beginning

World Cult was formed to combat the loss of self. Individualism is dead...Free thought is dead...The emergence of a World Cult is on the horizon and the end result is a black box. Thats the way it goes.

The question is...what's next.