Studio War Crimes

I don't have time to focus on the world, I have a my own disasters to contemplate. I have just come to the realization that my apartment might just qualify for Disaster Aid, and possibly a Bono charity concert or two. This morning I opened up my refrigerator and a Teradactyl flew out. My refrigerator is a living breathing mutated biosphere fully loaded with flora and fauna of unknown origins. My bathroom sink has an incredible amount of hardened dry toothpaste globules at the bottom of it...And I swear to God, that they are in the beginning stages of stalagmite formation.
I'm not a pig...Honestly. I'm just easily preoccupied. I have this tendency to ignore the mundane and the all so necessary. I like to focus on the world as an escape from the day in day out problems of the day in day out. How can I attend to my own personal growing concern when there are mouths to feed, nations to overthrow, and characters to assassinate? The bottom line is I can't...Or wont. So this weekend, or sometime in the not too distant future I will clean my apartment. I will change my life and as God is my witness I will never go hungry again.
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